Hi Guys! Hope you are all doing well.
Today I’m reviewing this Eyecream from Atlantis Skincare.


Meet Zane Piese

Meet Zane Piese – Atlantis Skincare founder, formulator and entrepreneur. A person with passion, expertise and dynamics to create this outstanding natural skincare brand that offers unique experience to the skin and senses. It’s a ritual within a skincare.

So pure and filled with goodness of nature that you can even feel it’s vibrating energy. Every ingredient is carefully researched and selected, making sophisticated products that not only offer your skin special pleasure but also prevent and slow the aging process. Zane gets up every day and works for it with such passion, care and love. She truly inspires everyone around her.



❤️Priced at 2680 INR or £34.99.❤️



❤️Product Description ❤️
This gentle anti aging eye cream with hyaluronic acid is specially designed to provide intensive care to the delicate area around your eyes. Its natural formula soothes and deeply nourishes the very fine skin with each application of this supreme eye cream, helping to treat the signs of fatigue. Handmade and made to order, all of Atlantis Skincare natural products use only the best natural ingredients.

Aloe Vera leaf juice in combination with precious natural oils, exotic butters and herbal extracts stimulates micro-circulation that helps reduce puffiness, brightens and improves skin tone that helps eliminate under eye darkness, ensures strong antioxidant protection and supports skin’s regeneration. Hyaluronic acid hydrates and smooths the skin, minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles under and around the eyes. Cream’s light texture absorbs fast, leaves the skin soft and supple, gives the eyes youthful radiant glow.



Dispense a half-pump to your ring fingertip and gently pat around the eye area, starting from inner corners toward outers, morning and evening, before your face cream. Avoid direct contact with eye.

For external use only. Avoid this product if you allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients. Store in a cool, dry place. As eye cream formula is 100% natural, oil may separate. This doesn’t affect the quality and safety of product. Shake well before the use.


❤️My Experience:❤️
❤️Since I’m a dry skin persom with some signs of eczema on my face, I love everything that is made of essential oil & natural herbs. Also, my skin badly reacts to any product that has harsh or highly concentrated chemicals in it. So, this is one of the reasons to choose natural products for me. 🙂

❤️Now let’s talk about the packaging its a blue colored glass bottle with a plastic dispenser that makes it convenient and hygienic to use.
I love how the dispenser takes out the exact amount to be used so there’s no wastage at all.


❤️ Coming to the consistency its runny and water based. Its very light and easily gets absorbed. Though it contains oils it makes the eye area very smooth and yet non greasy. It is well moisturizing & nourishing.

❤️ It has very mild & soothing fragrance of rosemary & geranium. I honestly love how this product smells and has no artificial fragrance.

❤️ With Hyaluronic Acid. What exactly is that? As body collagen declines, the appearance of wrinkles and discoloration become more visible. Maximizing collagen levels will keep skin supple. Hyaluronic acid keeps collagen synthesis up, as well as retaining skin moisture, contributing to the anti-aging benefits to the skin.
This acid behind this eyecream also one of the reasons why this is really effective.

❤️ It’s a really effective product, you will love how soothing it is on the skin and how well it nourishes the delicate eyearea.

❤️ It’s really helpful in reducing the fine lines under eyes and keeps them looking healthy.


❤️ Withing a week you will start experiencing a change in your eyearea.

❤️ Now A lot of want to know if it really reduces dark circles then the answer is Yes! It does, Apart from the reasons of your darkcircles ,  that is by birth, stress, sleeplessness, or skin allergies etc.

Availability is the only, this product gets manufactured in UK so will have to buy it online.
You can buy here: https://www.atlantisskincare.com/product/eye-cream/

So, that’s all for this review. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
