Vega Facial Brush.

Pro Tip: The first time you use it, make sure not to apply this directly onto your face rather first Give it a go on your body so that the bristles would bend down a little bit as they are too poking in the beginning.

What I like: -Affordable option @125.
-Bristles get soft after first application.
-Deep cleanse.
-Probably the best exfoliator.
-Removes Dead Skin too.
-Doesn’t irritate the skin.
-Comes with a brush cap.
-Cool Body Design.
-Easily available.
-Easy to Handle and Rotate all over the face.
-Doesn’t require battery like other facial cleansers. :p

What I don’t Like: – Once I washed it and put the cup. After I checked it after 3 days when I saw that the place from where the bristles are connected is made up of iron and is rusting.
Note: Don’t put the cap immediately, let it dry in sunlight.